Military Abbreviations - Genealogy & Family History by Viv Martin

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in the broader sense:  army, navy, air force, space force, marines, or coast guard.
Many abbreviations will have to be read in context, the conflict, area and country/countries involved, etc.
There is much editing to be done in removing duplication in this current listing and combine into one big list!     
Your patience please while I try to find time to do this work.  
The first section is the main database.  Everything below this are multiple listings that will be incorporated into the main database.

    ~ A ~
AA    Anti-aircraft
AACD or AAChD    Australian Army Chaplains Department  ~  e.g. Allotted for duty from AAChd (UC)  =  Allotted for duty from Australian Army Chaplains Department (United Churches)
AAH    Australian Auxiliary Hospital
AAMC     Australian Army Medical Corps
AANC     Australian Army Nursing Corps
AANS     Australian Army Nursing Service
AAOC     Australian Army Ordnance Corps
AASC     Australian Army Service Corps
AB/Dvr    Able Bodied Driver
A.C.G. (P.D.)     Assistant Chaplain General (Protestant Denominations)
ACMF     Australian Citizen Military Forces
ADBD     Australian Divisional Base Depot
ADC     Aide-de-Camp
ADH     Australian Dermatological Hospital
AE     Australian Engineers
AE&MM&BC     Australian Electrical and Mechanical Mining and Boring Company
AFA     Australian Field Artillery
AFC     Australian Flying Corps
AFPO     Armed Forces Post Office;  Australian Field Post Office
AGBD     Australian General Base Depot
AGH     Australian General Hospital
AIBD     Australian Infantry Base Depot
AIF     Australian Imperial Force(s)
AIF (1st AIF)     Australian Imperial Force (WW I)
AIF (2nd AIF)     Australian Imperial Force (WW II)
AIP     Australian Imperial Post  ??
AL Rwy     Australian Light Railway
AM     Aircraft Mechanic
AMF     Australian Military Forces
AMGBD    Australian Machine Gun Base Depot
AMTS     Australian Mechanical Transport Service
AN&MEF     Australian Naval & Military Expeditionary Force
ANZAC     Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
AOC     Army Ordnance Corps
APO     Army Post Office
A&QMG     Adjutant and Quartermaster General
Arty     Artillery
ASC     Army Service Corps
ASH     Australian Stationary Hospital or Australian Special Hospital
ASP     Ammunition Sub Park
AVES     Australian Veterinary Evacuating Station
AVH     Australian Veterinary Hospital
AWM     Australian War Memorial

    ~ B ~
BAC     Brigade Ammunition Column
BCOF     British Commonwealth Occupational Force
Bde (Army)     Brigade
Bdr     Bombardier
BEF     British Expeditionary Force
BG     Brigadier General
BGGS     Brigadier General, General Staff
BGRA     Brigadier General, Royal Artillery
BGROC     Broad Gauge Railway Operating Company
BMHA    Brigade Major, Heavy Artillery
BMRA     Brigade Major, Royal Artillery
BL     Breech Loading
BM     Brigade Major
Bn  -  Btn  (Army)     Battalion     e.g. m/o to 32 Aust Inf Trng Bn =  Marched Out to 32nd Australian Infantry Training Battalion
Brig     Brigadier
BTE     British Troops in Egypt
Bty  (Army)     Battery

  ~ C ~
Capt     Captain
CB     Counterbattery
CBSO     Counterbattery Staff Officer
CCS     Casualty Clearing Station     e.g. detached to 2/1 Aust CCS =  detached to 2nd 1st Australian Casualty Clearing Station
CE     Chief Engineer
CGS     Chief of the General Staff
C-in-C     Commander in Chief
CIGS     Chief of the Imperial General Staff
CMF     Citizen Military Forces or Commonwealth Military Forces
CMGO     Corps Machine Gun Officer
Col     Colonel
Con Dep      Convalescent Depot
Cpl     Corporal
Coy     Company
CRA     Commander, Royal Artillery
CTE     Corps Troops Engineers
Cyc     Cyclist

  ~ D ~
DAC     Division Ammunition Column or Division Artillery Column
DADOS     Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services
DCM     District Court Martial
DD     Details Depot
Den Cps     Dental Corps
Div     Division
DMGO     Division Machine Gun Officer
DSC     Divisional Supply Column

  ~ E ~
EEF     Egyptian Expeditionary Force
EMM&B Coy     Electrical and Mechanical Mining and Boring Company
Engrs     Engineer

~ F ~
F Amb     Field Ambulance
FAB     Field Artillery Brigade
Far     Farrier
FCE     Field Company Engineers
Fd, Fld     Field     e.g. Fld Svy Coy  =  Field Survey Company
FM     Field Marshal
FP1, FP2     Field Punishment No 1 or No 2 - Field punishment was an award by a commanding officer or court martial for an offence committed on active service. FP1 consisted of heavy labouring duties whilst restrained in handcuffs or fetters and being tied to a post or wheel.  FP2 did not involve attachment to a fixed object.
FTD     Full Time Duty

  ~ G ~
GD     General Duties
GDD     General Details Depot
GHQ     General Headquarters
GS     General Staff
GSO     General Staff Officer
GSR     General Service Reinforcements
GSW     Gun Shot Wound

  ~ H ~
HMAT     His Majesty's Australian Transport
HS     Hospital Ship
HT     Hired Transport or Horsed Transport or Horse Transport
HTM     Heavy Trench Mortar
HTMB     Heavy Trench Mortar Battery
HQ     Headquarters

  ~ I ~
Inf     Infantry

  ~ J ~
JCS     Joint Chiefs of Staff

  ~ K ~
KIA, K.I.A.      Killed in action

  ~ L ~
L/Sgt     Lance Sergeant
LGROC     Light Gauge Railway Operating Company
LH Bde     Light Horse Brigade
LHFA     Light Horse Field Ambulance
LHR     Light Horse Regiment
LHRR     Light Horse Reserve Regiment
LHTR     Light Horse Training Regiment
LMG     Light Machinegun - belt or magazine-fed automatic section weapon, capable of firing bursts of multiple rounds as long as the trigger is pressed, normally supported by a bipod. (See also MG,SMG)

L of C     Lines of Communication (Line of Command)     e.g. Entrained West Command for NSW L of C  =  Entrained West Command for New South Wales Line of Command
  Q:  ….. have been able to figure out but some I cannot. For example "Q LofC or NSW LofC".  The only thing I can think of for this would be Queensland Location of Camp!!! Any help very much appreciated.  I believe it is Line of Communication. I'm still trying to understand what it means though.
  A:  It is indeed Line of Communication. This is a military term. In addition to the combat troops, whose job is to kill the enemy, and the troops in direct support of them, there are troops who provide administrative and logistic functions to the rest of the army. They drive trucks, handle supplies, repair equipment and keep track of the paperwork. Another name for this activity is the "line of communications". In peacetime (ie 1922-42), the army in Australia was divided into divisions which contained the combat troops and military districts (roughly corresponding geographically to the states) which provided the administrative and logistical functions. These were replaced by Line of Communications Areas in 1942 -- a more formal yet flexible arrangement. The achievement of the Line of Communications troops, both at home and overseas should not be underestimated, for they enabled the US and Australian Armies, Navies and Air Forces to take the field against the Japanese in the undeveloped jungles of the South West Pacific and ultimately to defeat them.
L/Sgt     Lance Sergeant
LST     Landing Ship, Tank
Lt or Light     Lieutenant
LTMB     Light Trench Mortar Battery

  ~ M ~
Maj     Major
MD     Military District, as under:
1 MD     Queensland plus Casino, Lismore and Grafton [from NSW] and NT
2 MD     New South Wales less Casino, Lismore, Grafton [to NSW], Broken Hill Torrowangee and Silverton [to SA], Corowa, South Corowa, Mulwala, Moama, Mathoura and Deniliquin [to VIC], plus Wodonga, Barnawartha, Chiltern and Tallangatta [from VIC]
3 MD     Victoria less Wodonga, Barnawartha, Chiltern and Tallangatta [to NSW], plus Corowa, South Corowa, Mulwala, Moama, Mathoura and Deniliquin [from NSW]
4 MD     South Australia plus Broken Hill, Torrowangee and Silverton [from NSW]
5 MD     Western Australia
6 MD     Tasmania
7 MD     After WW1, Papua New Guinea was ceded to Australia and added as the 7th Military District
MEF     Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (Gallipoli)
MG     Machine gun, Machinegun - belt-fed automatic small-arm capable of firing bursts of multiple rounds as long as the trigger is pressed, normally fired from a tripod or bipod, can be water-cooled. (See also LMG, SMG)
MG Coy     Machine Gun Company
MGGS     Major General, General Staff
MG Sqn     Machine Gun Squadron
MI, M/I    Marched In
MIA    Missing in Action
MID    Mentioned in Despatches - Level four Imperial award for all ranks, not used as a post-nominal. The modern Australian equivalent is the Commendation for Gallantry or Distinguished Service.
Mil    Military     e.g. Mil PO  =  Military Post Office
MO, M/O     Marched Out
MO     Medical Officer
MSM    Meritorious Service Medal - Imperial award made rarely for gallantry, more often for efficient/effective service. The modern Australian equivalent is the Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC) or the Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM)
MTC    Mechanised Transport Company
MT/Dvr   Mechanical Transport Driver
MTMB     Medium Trench Mortar Battery
Mtd Reg     Mounted Regiment
MU    Medically Unfit
mufti     plain clothes worn by one who has right to wear uniform
M Vet Sec     Mobile Veterinary Section

  ~ N ~
NAB    Not Available
NC, N.C. N Comd etc     Northern Command (Also known as 1 MD)
NEG    Negligent, Negligently
NTH    North
NYD     Not Yet Determined/Diagnosed
NZEF    New Zealand Expeditionary Force

  ~ O ~
OBE    Order of the British Empire - Imperial honour granted to officers for gallantry, but more often for effective/efficient service and colloquially known by Australian soldiers as "Other Bastards Efforts". The modern Australian equivalent is an award in the Order of Australia.
OC     Officer Commanding - a Company sized unit or subunit
OIC     Officer in Charge - Generally in respect of an administrative unit
OTB     Overseas Training Battalion
Oz     Ounces weight (28.35gm)

  ~ P ~
Pnr, Pnrs, PNR     Pioneer or Pioneers; Assault Pioneer - latterly, the soldiers acting as engineers within a Battalion, but as a unit, engineers more often associated with offensive action such as minelaying
PO     Petty Officer (Naval Bridging Train only);  Petty Officer (Navy)
POW    Prisoner of War
PREV    Previously
PS    Penal Servitude
Pte, PTE    Private - base rank in the Army
PUO     Pyrexia (fever) of unknown origin.  Also known as 'Trench Fever'

  ~ Q ~
QM     Quartermaster - normally a Captain in a Battalion
QMS     Quartermaster Sergeant - normally a Staff Sergeant within a Company. See also CQMS, RQMS

  ~ R ~
RAA     Royal Australian Artillery
RAE     Royal Australian Engineers
RAN     Royal Australian Navy
RANBT     Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train
RANR     Royal Australian Navy Reserve
RAS     Usually, RAS Medal = Returned from Active Service Medal
RBAA     Reserve Brigade Australia Artillery
REC    1. Recruit - soldier undergoing basic training after enlistment;   2. Records: unit, personnel, medical, financial etc
Regt     Regiment
RFTS     Reinforcements
RMT Unit     Remount Unit
RN     Royal Navy
RNR     Royal Navy Reserve
RPM     Rounds per Minute
RQMS     Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant - normally a WO2 or WO1 in a battalion or similar sized unit.
RRD     Regional Recruitment Division/Department; Return Routing Document; Radar Range Development; Radio Research Detachment; Raw Radar Data; Reactor Radiation Division; Recurrence Rate Data; Reduced Resolution Data; Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment; Regional Readiness Data; Regular Retirement Date; Reliability Requirements Database; Removal - Replacement Data; Replacement Regulating Detachment; Required Reply Date; Research Reactors Division
RSD     Railhead Supply Detachment
RSM     Regimental Sergeant Major
RTA     Return to Australia
RTD     Returned to Duty
RTE     Returned to England

  ~ S ~
S/A     Served As
SAN Sect     Sanitation Section
SB     Siege Battery
SDN, SQN     Squadron - Cavalry/Light Horse and later, Armoured Corps equivalent of a Company
SECT     Section - A squad of 8-12 men commanded by a Corporal, where there are three or four sections to a Platoon
SGH     Stationary General Hospital
Sgt    Sergeant;  Sjt (q.v.)  or Sergent - Second in command of a Platoon
SIG     Signals, Signaller - equivalent to Private
SIW     Self Inflicted Wound
Sjt    Serjeant (variant of Sergeant)
SMG     Sub-machine gun - Hand-held, magazine-fed weapon capable of firing bursts of multiple rounds as long as the trigger is pressed. (See also LMG, MG)
SMLE     Small Magazine Lee Enfield .303in Rifle 1910-1960
SNLR     Services No Longer Required - generally applied to soldiers whose disciplinary lapses made them an administrative liability
Spr     Sapper - Engineer rank equivalent to Private
Sqn, SDN     Squadron - Cavalry/Light Horse and later, Armoured Corps equivalent of a Company
SS     1. Shell Shock - Now identified as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder spectrum;    2. Steam Ship
S/Smith or SS     Shoeing Smith
SSGT, S/SGT     Staff Sergeant - Occasionally seen as Colour Sergeant, second highest ranking NCO in a company, generally the QMS
Sth     South
STS     Sea Transport Staff
SW    Shrapnel Wound  - from a bomb, mortar or high explosive artillery shell

  ~ T ~
T/     Temporary - e.g. T/Corporal
TB     Tuberculosis
TMBty      Trench Mortar Battery
TOS     Taken on Strength ~ The point at which a member officially joined a unit for the purposes of discipline, rations, accommodation, equipment etc. Under some circumstance, members of other units were taken on strength for the purposes of rationing and accommodation only.
Tp     Troop
Tpr     Trooper  ~  Cavalry, Light Horse and later Armoured Corps and Special Air Service equivalent to Private
Tps    Troops
Trg     Training
TS     Transport Ship, Troop Ship
Tun Coy     Tunneling Company

  ~ V ~
VAD     Ventricular Aorta Dysfunction
VC     Victoria Cross, highest decoration for bravery;  Level one award for gallantry, all ranks. The modern Australian equivalent is the Victoria Cross for Australia (VC).
VD    1. Volunteer Decoration;   2. Venereal Disease
VDC      Volunteer Defence Corps
Vet     Veterinary
Vet Sect     Veterinary Section

  ~ W ~
Whr    Wheeler
WIA     Wounded in Action
WO or W-O     Warrant Officer, Warrant Office or Wireless Operator
WO1     Warrant Officer Class 1 - Regimental Sergeant Major or equivalent in other units/trades - the highest non-commissioned rank within a Battalion
WO2     Warrant Officer Class 2 - Company Sergeant Major or equivalent in other units/trade


CMTO Corps Mechanical Transport Officer
CP Commonwealth Pattern
CRE Commander, Royal Engineeers
CRS Commonwealth Records Series
CTC Camel Transport Corps
cwt Hundredweight
d Pence
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DesCol Desert Column
DesCorps Desert Mounted Corps
DGT Director General of Transport
DMS Director of Medical Services
DOD Department of Defence
DSC Division Supply Column
DSO Distinguished Service Order
DTMO Division Trench Mortar Officer
DMTS Director of Mechanical Transport Services
DUS Depot Unit of Supply
Dvr Driver
EEF Egyptian Expeditionary Force
E-in-C Engineer in Chief
Engr Engineer
FAB Field Artillery Brigade
FOO Forward Observation Officer
ft Feet
g grams
GG Governor General
GOC General Officer Commanding
GOCRA General Officer Commanding Royal Artillery
GSR General Service Reinforcements
Gnr Gunner
HAG Heavy Artillery Group
HE High Explosive
HF High Frequency
HM His Majesty
HMAHS His Majesty's Australian Hospital Ship
HMAS His Majesty's Australian Ship
HMAT His Majesty's Australian Transport
How Howitzer
in Inches
kg Kilograms
kph Kilometres per hour
lb Pounds
L/Cpl Lance Corporal
LF Low Frequency
LG Lieutenant General
LGO Lewis Gun Officer
LH Light Horse
LHR Light Horse Regiment
LROC Light Railway Operating Company
LTM Light Trench Mortar
m metres
Maj Major
MC Military Cross
MEF Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
MG Machine Gun or Major General
MM Military Medal
MOD Minister of Defence
MT Mechanical Transport
MTM Medium Trench Mortar
MVS Mobile Veterinary Section
NYD Not Yet Determined
NYDN Not Yet Diagnosed Nervous [Shellshock]
OC Officer Commanding
OP Observation Post
oz Ounces
Pnr Pioneer
psc Passed Staff College
QF Quick Firing
QM Quartermaster
QMG Quartermaster General
RA Royal Artillery
RAE Royal Australian Engineers
RAF Royal Air Force
RAFA Royal Australian Field Artillery
RAGA Royal Australian Garrison Artillery
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RANBT Royal Austrlalian Navy Bridging Train
RBAA Reserve Brigade Australian Artillery
RE Royal Engineers
RFA Royal Field Artillery
RFC Royal Flying Corps
Rft Reinforcement
RGA Royal Garrison Artillery
RHA Royal Horse Artillery
Rmt Remount
RN Royal Navy
rpg rounds per gun
rpm rounds per minute
RSD Railhead Supply Detachment
s shillings
San Sanitary
SB Siege Battery
SC Staff Captain
Sgt Staff Sergeant
SMLE Short Magazine Lee Enfield
SMTO Senior Mechanical Transport Officer
SOD Secretary of Defence
SSC Secretary of State for Colonies (UK)
st stone
STS Sea Transport Staff
S/Sgt Staff Sergeant
SW Shrapnel Wound
t Tonnes
Tun     Tunnelling
US     United States of America


A     Acting or Assistant
AA&QMG     Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General
AACU     Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit
AAF     Allied Air Forces
AAG     Assistant Adjutant-General
AALU     Australian Air Liaison Unit
AAMC Australian Army Medical Corps
AAMWS Australian Army Medical Women's Service
AANS Australian Army Nursing Service
AAOC Australian Army Ordnance Corps
AAU Air Ambulance Unit
AC Aircraftman
ACF Australian Comforts Fund
ACH Area Combined Headquarters
ACSEA Air Command, South-East Asia
Act Acting
ACW Aircraftwoman
ADHQ Air Defence Headquarters
Adm Admiral
Admin Administration
ADMS Assistant Director Medical Services
ADOS Assistant Director Ordnance Services
ADST Assistant Director of Supply and Transport
ADS&T Assistant Director of Stores and Transport
Adv Advanced
AEME Australiam Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
AFC Australian Flying Corps or Air Force Cross
AFTU Air Fighter Training Unit
AHQ Air Headquarters
AIB Allied Intelligence Bureau
Air Cmdre Air Commodore
AIS Aviation Instructional Staff
ALO Air Liaison Officer
AMOE Air Member for Organisation and Equipment
AMP Air Member for Personnel
AMS Air Member for Supply
AN&MEF Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force
ANGAU Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit
ANS Air Navigation School
AOB Advanced Operational Base
AOC Air Officer Commanding
AOC-in-C Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief
AOP Air Observation Post
AOS Air Observers' School
APD Destroyer-transport
AQMG Assistant Quartermaster General
ARC Aircrew Reception Centre
ARD Aircraft Repair Depot or Aircraft Receiving Depot
Armd Armoured
Arty Artillery
ASR Air-Sea Rescue Flight
ASRF Air-Sea Rescue Flight
Asst Assistant
A-Tk Anti-tank
ATC Air Training Corps
AVG American Volunteer Group
AVM Air Vice-Marshall
AWAS Australian Women's Army Service   
BAGS Bombing and Air Gunnery School
Bataan Codeword for Lennons Hotel in Brisbane
BBCAU British Borneo Civil Affairs Unit
BEF British Expeditionary Force
BGGS Brigadier-General, General Staff
BGS Brigadier, General Staff
BM Brigade Major   
CA (AA) Coast Artillery (Anti-aircraft)
CAC Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation
CAF Citizen Air Force
CAS Chief of Air Staff
CASC Commander, Army Service Corps
CATF China Air Task Force
Cav Cavalry
CCRA Commander, Corps Royal Artillery
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff  
Cd Command
CDH Combined Defence Headquarters
Cdo Commando
Cdr Commander
CE Chief Engineer
CEO Chief Equipment Officer
CFI Chief Flying Instructor
CFS Central Flying School
CGI Chief Ground Instructor or Chief Gunnery Instructor
CI Chief Instructor
CNS Chief of the Naval Staff
CO Commanding Officer
COC Commander of Command
COIC Combined Operations and Intelligence Centre
Col Colonel or Column
Col GS Colonel, General Staff
COMAIRSOLS Command Air Solomons
COMAIRSOPAC Commander Aircraft South Pacific
Comd Commanded, Command or Commander
Comdt Commandant
COMGENSOPAC Commanding General, South Pacific
Commn Communication
CRA Commander, Royal Artillery (of a division)
CRE Commander, Royal Engineers (of a Division)
CS Chief of Staff
CSO Chief Signals Officer
CTF Commander. Task Force
CU Communications Unit
CWR Central War Room   
DAOC Deputy Air Officer Commanding
DAOC-in-C Deputy Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief
DAPM Deputy Assistant Provost Marshall
DAQMG Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General
DCAS Deputy Chief of the Air Staff
DCGS Deputy Chief of General Staff
DDME Deputy Director Mechanical Engineering
DDMT Deputy Director Military Training
DDST Deputy Director Supply and Transport
DF Direction Finding
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
DGMS Director-General Medical Services
DGSP Director-General of Supply and Production
DMS Director Medical Services
DWB Director of Works and Buildings   
EATS Empire Air Training Scheme
EBSR Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment
Ech Echelon
ECHO Shipping Designator for freight to Base Section 7, Sydney, N.S.W.
ED Embarkation Depot
EFTS Elementary Flying Training School
Engrs Engineers
EO Equipment Officer or Engineer Officer
Eqpt Equipment
ESB Engineer Special Brigade
ETO European Theatre of Operation   
FA Field Artillery
FAA Fleet Air Arm
FBRD Flying-boat Repair Depot
FDL Forward Defended Locality
FEAF Far East Air Forces
FELO Far Eastern Liaison Office
F-Lt Flight Lieutenant
F-O Flying Officer
FOO Forward Observation Officer
FPO Fleet Post Office
FS Fighter Sector
F-Sgt Flight Sergeant
FSHQ Fighter Sector Headquarters
FTS Flying Training School   
GCC Ground Control Centre
Gnr Gunner
GOC General Officer Commanding
Gp Group
Gp Capt Group Captain
GR General Reconnaissance
GRS General Reconnaissance School
GSO General Staff Officer
GSO1 General Staff Officer, Grade 1   
HBG Heavy Bombardment Group
HE     High Explosive   
i/c     In command
IG     Inspector-General
ILO Intelligence Liaison Officer
Indep Independent
Inf Infantry
Inf Bde Infantry Brigade
Instr Instructor
Int Intelligence
Intell Intelligence
IO Intelligence Officer
ITS Initial Training School   
LAA Light Anti-aircraft
LAC Leading Aircraftman
LASU Local Air Supply Unit
LCI Landing Craft, Infantry
LCM Landing Craft, Mechanised
L-Cpl Lance-Corporal
LCT Landing Craft, Tank
LCV Landing Craft, Vehicle
LCVP Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel
LEFT Shipping Designator for Freight to Base Section 3, Brisbane, Queensland
LHQ Land Headquarters or Allied Land Forces Headquarters
LO Liaison Office or Liaison Officer
LRPG Long-Range Penetration Group
LSO Legal Staff Officer
Lt Cdr Lieutenant-Commander
Lt-Col Lieutenant-Colonel
Lt-Gen Lieutenant-General   
Maj-Gen Major-General
MD Military District
ME Middle East
MFCU Mobile Fighter Control Unit
MG Machine-Gun
MGRA Major-General, Royal Artillery
MMG Medium Machine-gun
Mtn Mountain
MU     Maintenance Unit
MAZE     Shipping Designator for Freight to Base Section 4, Melbourne, Victoria   
NAOU     North Australia Observer Unit or Nackeroos
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NEFIS Netherlands East Indies Forces Intelligence Forces
NEI Netherlands East Indies
NEI-AF Netherlands East Indies Air Force
NG New Guinea
NGAWW Sigs New Guinea Air Air Wireless Warning Signals
NGF New Guinea Force
NGIB New Guinea Infantry Battalion
NGVR New Guinea Volunteer Rifles
Norforce Northern Territory Force or NT Force
NT Northern Territory
NT Force Northern Territory Force or Norforce   
OB Operationa Base
OBU Operational Base Unit
OC Officer Commanding
Offr Officer
OHQ Overseas Headquarters
OP Observation Post
Ops Operations
Orgn Organisation
OSMG Owen sub-machine-gun
OTU Operational Training Unit   
PAA Pan American Airways
PDRC Personnel Dispatch and Reception Centre
PIB Papuan Infantry Battalion
Pk Park
Pnr Pioneer
P-O Pilot Officer
POW Prisoners of War
PRC Personnel Reception Centre
PRO Public Relations Officer
PRU Photographic Reconnaissance Unit
PT Patrol Torpedo (boat)
PTE Private   
QANTAS Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services   
RAA Royal Australian Artillery
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAE Royal Australian Engineers
RAF Royal Air Force
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RANVR Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve
RAR Royal Australian Regiment
RDF Radio or Radar Direction Finding
RE Royal Engineers
Recce Reconnaissance
RFA Royal Field Artillery
RFC Royal Flying Corps
RIAF Royal Indian Air Force
RMO Regimental Medical Officer
RNAS Royal Navy Air Service
RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force
RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
RSU Repair and Salvage Unit
R/T or R-T Radio Telephony - voice transmissions
SAO Senior Administrative Officer
SAP Semi armour-piercing
SASO Senior Air Staff Officer
SEA South-East Asia
Sec Section or Secretary
SFTS Service Flying Training School
Sgt Sergeant
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
SHQ Station Headquarters
Sig Signalman
SISO Senior Intelligence Staff Officer
SMSO Senior Maintenance Staff Officer
SNLF Special Naval Landing Force (Japanese)
SNO Senior Naval Officer
SO Staff Officer
SOPAC South Pacific (Command)
SORE Staff Officer, Royal Engineers
Spr Sapper
SPSO Senior Personnel Staff Officer
SPTF Seaplane Training Flight
Sqn Squadron
S-Sgt Staff-Sergeant
SSO Signals Security Officer
SSOA Senior Staff Officer Administration
Stn Station
SWPA South West Pacific Area
Tac-R Tactical Reconnaissance
TAF Tactical Air Force
Tk Tank
TMU Torpedo Maintenance Unit
TNG Territory of New Guinea
TSMG Thompson Sub-machine-gun
UK United Kingdom
US United States
USAAC United States Army Air Corps
USAAF United States Army Air Force
USAFFE United States Army Forces in the Far East
USAFIA United States Army Forces in Australia
USASOS United States Army Services of Supply
USN United States Navy
WAGS Wireless Air Gunners School
W Cdr Wing Commander
WMU Works Maintenance Unit
WO1 Warrant-Officer, Class 1
WOD Warrant Officer Disciplinary
W-T or W/T Wireless Telegraphy (coded messages by morse code) or Wireless Telegraphist
WTU Works Training Unit


(A) Army
(N) Navy
(AF) Air Force
(M) Marines
(W) Weapons
(WW2) World War 2
(GW) Great War
(KW)Korean War
(FW)Falklands War
(GuW) Gulf War
(CW) Cold War
2IC     Second in Command
AAA     Anti Aircraft Artillery
AACU     Army Air Co-Operation Unit
Ack-Ack/AAM      Air to Air Missile (Air Force/Navy)
AAPIU     Army Air Photographic Interpretation Unit
AASF     Advanced Air Striking Force (AF)
Abwehr     German intelligence and counterespionage service under Admiral Canaris (WW2)
ACAS Assistant Chief of Air Staff (I=Intelligence; P=Policy;O=Operations)
Accn Accommodation (A)
ACE Allied Command Europe (CW)
ACM Air Chief Marshal (A)
ACV Armoured Command Vehicle (A)
AD Air Defence/Air Dispatch/Army Department
ADC Aide-de-Camp
ADGB Air Defence of Great Britain (AF)
ADI(K) Assistant Director Intelligence (POWs)(WW2)
ADI(Ph) Assistant Director Intelligence (Photographic)(WW2)
ADI(Sc) Assistant Director Intelligence (Science)(WW2)
ADIC     Assistant Director Operational Intelligence Centre (Admiralty) (WW2)
Adjt     Adjutant (A)
ADNI(PW)     Assistant Director Naval intelligence (POWs)
ADP     Automatic Data Processing
AF     Japanese code designation for Midway island
AFC     Air Force Cross (A)
AFCENT     Allied Forces Central European Theatre (CW)
AFHQ     Allied Force Headquarters
AFO     Air Force Committee (A)
AFOSC Allied Force (Official) Sub-Committee (A)
A-Force Deception arm of London Control Station in the Middle East and Mediterranean (WW2)
AFV     Armoured Fighting Vehicle (A)
AG     Air Gunner (AF)
AI    Air Intelligence;  Air Interception (radar type)
AIFV     Allied Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Air Cdre Air Commodore
Aldis lamp Hand-held signal lamp used for flashing messages to ships and aircraft
AM Air Marshal
AMF(L) Allied Mobile Force (Land Element) (A/CW)
AMP Allied Member for Personnel
AMPC Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps
AMSO Air Member for Supply and Organization
AMT Air Member for Training
Amt Mil German intelligence-gathering service under General Schellenburg (WW2)
AOC Air Officer Commanding
AOCiC Air Officer Commander in Chief (AF)
AP Armour Piercing/Ammunition Point/Air Publication
APC Armoured Personnel Carrier (A)
APDS Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (A)
APO Army Post Office (A)
APS Axis Planning Section (WW2)
ARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (CW)
arty Artillery
ARV Armoured Recovery Vehicle (A)
A/S Anti-Submarine
Asdic Early Anti-submarine apparatus, forerunner of Sonar
ASI Air Scientific Intelligence (WW2)
ASV Air to Surface Vessel Radar
ATA Air Transport Auxiliary (AF)
ATAF Allied Tactical Air Force (WW2 & CW)
ATB Advisory Committee on Trade Question in Time of War (WW2)
ATGW Anti-Tank Guided Weapon (A)
ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service (A)
ATWM Air Transition to War Measure (A)
AVLB Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridge (A)
AVM Air Vice-Marshal
BAFF British Air Forces in France (WW2)
BAOR     British Army of the Rhine (A)
BATDU     Blind Approach Training and Development Unit
BC     Battery Commander (A)
BEF     British Expeditionary Force (GW/WW2)
BFG British Forces Germany (CW)
BFPO British Forces Post Office (BFPO)
BG Battle Group (A)
BGHQ Battlegroup Headquarters (A)
BGS Brigadier General Staff (A)
BJSM British Joint Services Mission(Washington)(WW2)
BK Battery Captain (A)
BMH British Military Hospital
BMM British Military Mission (Moscow)(WW2)
BMR British Military Representative
BNLO British Naval Liaison Officer(WW2)
BOAC British Overseas Airways Corportation
BRSC British Rear Support Command (A)
BSC British Security Co-ordination (New York)(WW2)
'C' Also CSS; Head of The Secret Service
C3 Command, Control & Communications
C3I Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence
CAIO Chief Air Intelligence Officer, Algiers (WW2)
CB Confined to Barracks
CBME Combined Bureau Middle East (WW2)
CAD Central Ammunition Depot (A)
cam Camouflaged
CAP Combat Air Patrol (AF/N)
CAS Chief of the Air Staff
cas Casualty
CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation
cat Catering
CB Confined to Barracks
CBME Combined Bureau Middle East
CCM Counter Counter Measure
CCP Casualty Collection Point
CCS Casualty Collection Service/Combined Chief of Staff (Anglo-US)(WW2)
CEP Circular Error Probable/Central Engineer Park (A)
CEPS Central European Pipeline System (CW)
CET Combat Engineer Tractor (A)
CFS Central Flying School (AF)
CIC Combined Intelligence Committee (WW2)
CID Committee of Imperial Defence (WW2)
CIGS Chief of Imperial General Staff
CIU Central Interpretation Unit (WW2)
civ Civilian
CNO Chief of Naval operations (US)
CNS Chief of Naval Staff (First Sea Lord)
CO Commanding Officer
COE Corps of engineers (US Army)
COHQ Combined Operations Headquarters
COMCEN Communications Centre
comd Command/Commander
comp rat Composite Rations (Compo)
coord Co-ordinate
COS Chief(s) of Staff
coy Company
CP Close Protection/Command Post
CPO Command Pay Officer/Chief Petty officer (A/N)
CQMS Company Quartermaster Sergeant (A)
CSDIC Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre (WW2)
CSM Committee of Special means (SHAEF cover and deception unit linked with the LCS) (WW2)
CSS Chief of the Secret Service; See also 'C' (WW2)
c sups Combat Supplies
CV Combat Vehicles (A)
CVD Central Vehicle Depot (A)
CVR(T) or (W) Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked or Wheeled (A)
CW Chemical Warfare
CWS Chemical Warfare Service (US Army)
Cyclic The rate at which the weapon fires automatically
D of M Director of Manning
D of O Director of Organisation
D of O(I) Director of Operations (Intelligence)s
D of P Director of Postings
D of Plans Director of Plans
DAA Divisional Administrative Area (A)
DAAC Director(ate) of Allied Air Cooperation (AF)
DAFL Director(ate) of Allied Air Cooperation and Foreign Liaison (AF)
DAK Deutsches Afrika Korps (WW2)
Dazzle Painting Disruptive colours and pattern used on ships during war to create course distortions
DC Defence Corps
DCAS Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (AF)
DCM Ministerial Committee on Disarmament (WW2)
DCNS Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff (WW2)
DD(C) Deputy Director (Civil)(at GC and CS)(WW2)
DD(Ph) Deputy Director (Photography) (Air Ministry) (WW2)
DD(S) Deputy Director (Services)(at GC and CS)(WW2)
DDI Deputy Director of Intelligence (Air Staff)(WW2)
DDIC Deputy Director of Operational intelligence Centre (Admiralty)(WW2)
DDMi Deputy Director of Military Intelligence (WW2)
DDMI(I) Deputy Director Operational Intelligence Centre (Admiralty) (WW2)
DDMI(O) Deputy Director Operational Intelligence Centre (Intelligence) (WW2)
DDMI(PW) Deputy Director Military Intelligence (POW)(WW2)
DDMI(Y) Deputy Director Military Intelligence (Y Service)
DDMO and I Deputy Director Operational of Military Operations and Intelligence
DDNI Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence (WW2)
decoy Fake object or installation deliberately displayed as a target to draw enemy fire
def Defence
DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
det detached
DF Defensive Fire/Direction Finding
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross (AF)
DGO Director General of Organisation
Dicing Descriptive term for highly dangerous, low-level air reconnaissance missions
DI Daily Inspection
DISTAFF Directing Staff (DS) (A)
DMA Divisional Maintenance Area (A)
DMDW Department of Miscellaneous Weapon Development
DMI Director of Military Intelligence (WW2)
dml Demolition
DMO and I Director of Military Operations and Intelligence (WW2)
DNI Director of Naval Intelligence (WW2)
DPR Ministerial Committee on Defence Policy and Requirements (WW2)
DPS Director of Personal Services
DRC Defence Requirements Sub-Committee (of the CID)
Drone Small pilotless aircraft operated by remote-control radio, used in long-range reconnaissance
DS Direct Support/Dressing Station
DSD Director Signals Division (Admiralty) WW2)
DSO Distinguished Service Order
DTG Date Time Group
Dummy Fake object or installation displayed partly as a target, but chiefly to mislead the enemy and create a false impression.
DWI Directional Wireless Installation
ECCM Electronic Counter-Counter Measure
ech Echelon
ECM Electronic Counter Measure
EDP Emergency Defence Plan
emb Embarkation
EME Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
en Enemy
engr Engineer
ENSA Entertainments for the Services Association
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal (A)
EP Economic Pressure Sub-Committee (of the ATB Committee)
eqpt Equipment
Expansion and Re-equipment Policy Committee
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETOUSA European Theatre of Operation US Army (WW2)
EW Early Warning/Electronic Warfare
EWI Economic Warfare Intelligence (WW2)
ex Exercise
F Fighter
FAC Forward Air Controller
FCI Industrial Intelligence in Foreign Countries Sub-Committee (of the CID)
FEBA Forward Edge of Battle Area (A)
Feldgrau official designation for the colour of the German Army uniforms
FGA Fighter Ground Attack (AF)
FIDO Fog Investigation and Dispersal Organisation
Fist     Colloquial term for the distinctive touch and message style of a wireless radio operator (WW2)
Flat-top     A camouflage net stretched flat and horizontal over an object to be concealed (A)/ An Aircraft carrier (N)
FLET      Forward Location Enemy Troops (A)
Fliegerhauptmann     official rank or title; just - very - colloquial in order to distinguish a captain in a flying unit of the German Air Force from, for instance, a "Flakhauptmann", serving in an AA unit. The official rank designation for both was just "Hauptmann" (plural "Hauptleute") and they would be adressed "Herr Hauptmann" by subordinates (= "Captain, Sir") - or "Hauptmann + name" by superiors (just as in the Army). That they were serving in the Air Force was implicated by their bluegrey uniform (the Army had "feldgrau") and the according branch was indicated by the colour of their collar patches (flyers and paratroopers yellow, Flak red). In the Army however, there was the special and official rank of "Rittmeister" for Captains serving in cavalry units. In 1939, most of the remaining cavalry regiments were disbanded and formed recce groups for infantry divisions. Captains commanding squadrons in these recce groups or squadrons in the cavalry regiments of 1. Kavallerie-Brigade (later 1. Kavallerie-Division, later still 24. Panzer-Division) retained the rank of "Rittmeister", as well as those seconded from cavalry regiments to other units. Captains as company commanders of motorized or armoured recce groups, or of tank regiments were called "Hauptmann" as in every other arm or branch of the Army.
FLOT     Forward Location Own Troops (A)
fmn     formation
FO     Foreign office
FOES     Future Operations (Enemy) Section (WW2)
fol     Follow
FOO     Forward Observation Officer (A)
Fremde Heere West (FHW)     German intelligence-gathering service on the Western front, under Colonel von Roenne (WW2)
Freya     Type of field radar unit used extensively by the Wehrmacht (A)
FTS     Flying Training School (AF)
FUP     Forming Up Point (A)
FUSAG     First US Army group, a largely fictitious organization used in pre D-Day Fortitude deceptions
G-1     Personnel and Administration (US Army General Staff)
G-2 Intelligence activities (US Army General Staff)
G-3 Operations and training (US Army General Staff)
G-4 Supply and maintenance (US Army General Staff)
GAF German Air Force (WW2)
GC and CS Government Code and Cypher School (WW2)
GCI Ground controlled Interception, used in directing aircraft towards targets
GDB General Duties Branch
GDP     General Defence Plan (A)
GI     American Serviceman
GL     Gun laying (radar type)
GPMG General Purpose Machine Gun (W)
GOC General Officer Commanding (A)
GP General Purpose (bomb type)
GR General Reconnaissance
GRU General Reconnaissance Unit
GS Int General Staff Intelligence (WW2)
HAC     Honorable Artillery Company (A)
HDU Home Defence Units (WW2)
hel Helicopter
HE High Explosive
HEAT High Explosive Anti-Tank
HESH High Explosive Squash head
HFU Home Ferry Unit
HO Home Office Huff duff Colloquial term for high-frequency radio direction-finding techniques
HVM Hyper Velocity Missile Hy Heavy
IAF Italian Air Force (WW2)
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IFF Identification Friend or Foe II Image Intensifier
IIC Industrial Intelligence Centre (WW2)
illum Illuminating (A)
INTSUM Intelligence Summary (A)
IO Intelligence Officer (A)
IRG Immediate Replenishment Group (A)
IS Internal Security
IS (O) Intelligence Section (Operations)
ISD In Service Date
ISIC Inter-Service Intelligence Committee (WW2)
ISSB Inter-Service Security Board (WW2)
ISTD Inter-Services Topographical Department
IW Individual Weapon (W); See SA80
JFHQ Joint Force Headquarters
JHQ Joint Headquarters
JIC Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (of the COS) (WW2)
JIS Joint Intelligence Staff (WW2)
JPS     Joint Planning Staff (of the COS) (WW2)
JSSU     Joint Services Signals Unit
Junker     this word designated in Germany and especially in Prussia the same social class as in UK the word "squire": nobility or landed gentry - politically mostly conservative with definite agrarian interests or even reactionary. In the German Army and Air Force, "Junker" was an abbreviation for "Fahnenjunker", before the 2nd WW designating a career officer candidate.
K-sites     Decoy airfields created by the British to draw off Luftwaffe raiders (WW2) Knickebein German Codename for radio-directional beams used by Luftwaffe bombers
LAC Leading Aircraftman (AF)
LAD Light Aid Detachment (REME) (A)
LCS     London Control Section (WW2)
LCT     Landing Craft Tank Lighter Harbor vessel chiefly used for carrying and unloading cargoes from ship to shore.
LLAD     Low Level Air Defence
LO Liaison Officer Loc Locating log Logistic
LRATGW Long Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon
LRC London Reception Centre
LRDG Long Range Desert Group (WW2)
LSW     Light Support Weapon (W); See LSW Luftflotten German air fleets, or squadrons
Luftwaffe     German Air Force
MAC     Mediterranean Air Command (AF)
Mae West    A life jacket, often employed by sailors and airmen.
maint     Maintain
MAOT     Mobile Air Operations Team
MAP Ministry of Aircraft Production
mat Material
MBT Main Battle Tank
MC Military Cross
mech     Mechanised
med     medical
medevac     Medical Evacuation
MEIC     Middle East Intelligence Centre (WW2)
Meillerwagen     the industrial company "Meiller", in general, produced flatbed road trailers for heavy cargoes - for instance for trailing railway cars across roads or for transport and recovery of tanks. The trailers for V2 rockets were only special adaptations of a general construction principle.
(WW2) MEW    Ministry of Economic Warfare (WW2)
M/F     Medium Frequency
MFC     Mortar Fire Controller
MGGS     Major-General General Staff
MI     Military Intelligence
MI5 Military Intelligence; Counter espionage and security service
MI6 Military Intelligence (SIS); Covert Operations
MIRS Military Intelligence Research Section
MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System
MONAB Mobile Naval Air Base
MNAD Multi National Airmobile Division
mob Mobilisation
MOD Ministry of Defence Moonshine Apparatus designed by the Allies to simulate ships and aircraft on enemy radars
MovO Movement Order
MP Military Police / Member of Parliament
MRAF Marshal of the Royal Air Force
msl Missile
MT Mechanical Transport
MU Maintenance Unit
MV Military Vigilance
NAAFI Navy, Army and Air Force Institute
NADGE NATO Air Defence Ground Environment
NAIU North African Interpretation Unit
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
NCO     Non-Commissioned Officer
NCXF     Naval Commander Expeditionary Force (Operation Torch)(WW2)
nec     Necessary
ni     Night
NID Naval Intelligence Department
NOK Next of Kin
NORTHAG     Northern Army Group
NTR     Nothing to Report
NWATAF     North West Africa Tactical Air Force (WW2)
NYK     Not Yet Known
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) The German Military High Command
OC Officer Commanding
OCE Office of the Chief of Engineers (US Army)
OCI Office of the Co-ordination of Information (US)
OCU Operational Conversion Unit (AF)
OD Other Denominations
OIC Officer in Charge/Operational Intelligence Centre (Admiralty) (WW2)
OKH Oberkommando des Heeres (High Command of the German Army) (WW2)
OKL Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (High Command of The Luftwaffe) (WW2)
OKM Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine (High Command of The German Navy) (WW2)
OKW Oberkommando des Wehrmacht (High Command of the German Armed Forces) (WW2)
OMH Office of Military History, Washington DC ONI Office of Naval Intelligence (US)  
OP Observation Post
op     Operation Order
Ops Operations
ORB Operational Record Book (AF)
ORBAT Order of Battle
Osnaburg Dyed cotton canvas strips used for weaving into camouflage nets
OSS Office of Strategic Services (US)
OTU Operational Training Unit (AF)
PAC Parachute And Cable defence
PAIC Persia and Iraq Command
pax Passengers
PBX RAF Telephone Exchange (Private Branch Exchange)
PDU Photographic Development Unit (WW2)
PI Photographic Intelligences
PIAT Projectile, Infantry Anti-Tank (A)
PIU Photographic Interpretation Unit
P info Public Information
PJHQ Permanent Joint Head Quarters
Pl Platoon
PLUTO Pipe Line Under The Ocean (WW2)
PM Prime Minister
POL Petrol, Oil and Lubricants
POTU Polish Operational Training Unit  
POW Prisoner of War  
PPI Position Plan Indicator (Radar)  
PR Photographic Reconnaissance  
PRU Photographic Reconnaissance Unit  
PWE     Political Warfare Executive (WW2)  
PWIS (Home)     Prisoners of War Interrogation Service (WW2)  
Pzkw     Panzerkampfwagen  
Q lights Decoy lightning patterns used in various Allied deceptions
QM Quartermaster RAAF Royal Australian Air Force (AF)
RAE Royal Aircraft Establishment RAF Royal Air Force (AF)
RAFVR Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (AF)
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RAP Rocket Assisted Projectile/Regimental Air Post
RATOG Rocket Assisted Take Off Gear
RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force (AF)
RCN Royal Canadian Navy (N)
RCZ Rear Combat Zone
RDF Radio Direction Finding (Early version of Radar)
rebro     Rebroadcast
rec Recovery
R & D Research and Development
recce Reconnaissance
RFC Royal Flying Corps
RFP Radio Finger Printing
rft Reinforcement
RHQ Regimental Headquarters
RJDF Rapid Joint Deployment Force
RM Royal Marines (M)
RMA Rear Maintenance Area/Royal Military Academy (A)
RN     Royal Navy
RNAS     Royal Naval Air Service
RNAAS     Royal Norwegian Army Air Service (AF)
RNNAS     Royal Norwegian Naval Air Service (N)
RNZAF     Royal New Zealand Air Force (AF)
ROC/OC Royal Observer Corps
RSA Royal School of Artillery (A)
RSME Royal School of Mechanical Engineering (A)
RSS Radio Security Service (WW2)
R/T Radio Telephony
RTM Ready to Move
RTU Return to Units
SACUER Supreme Allied Commander Europe (CW)
SALU Sub-Section of Air Section, GC and CS, specializing of high and low-grade GAF Sigint
SAM Surface to Air Missile (AF)
SAO Senior Air Officer (AF)
SAP Semi-Armour Piercing
SAS Special Air Service (A)
SASO     Senior Air Staff Officer (AF)
SATCOM     Satellite Communications
SBS     Special Boat Section (WW2/A) Special Boat Squadron (postwar/N)
Scrim-net     Light, gauzy netting with very fine mesh which can be painted, sometimes used in camouflage deceptions
SCU Special Communications Unit
SD     Sicherheitsdienst
SD Special Duties (Plotter)
SEAC South East Asia Command (WW2)
SGO Station Gunnery Officer SH Support Helicopters  
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (WW2)  
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (CW)  
SIB Special Investigation Branch  
Sicherheitsdienst (SD)     Intelligence and counterespionage branch of the Nazi SS  
Sigint Signal Intelligence  
SIME Security Intelligence Middle East  
SIS Special or Secret Intelligence Service; See MI6S  
sit Situation  
SITREP Situation Report  
SLBM Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (N)  
SLC Search Light Control (radar)  
SLR Self Loading Rifle (W)  
SLU Special Liaison Unit (WW2)  
SMG Sub Machine Gun (W)  
smk     smoke
SNCO     Senior Non-Commissioned Officer
SOE Special Operations Executive (WW2)
SOI Staff Officer (Intelligence)
Sonar Anti-Submarine detection apparatus
SP Self Propelled;  Start Point;  Service Police
Sqn     Squadron
SS     1. Schutzstaffel, the military and political arms of the Nazi Party;      2. (British) Special Services
SSAFA     Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmens' Families Association
SSM     Surface to Surface Missile (W/A/N)
SSVC     Services Sound and Vision Corporation
Staffel     Luftwaffe air squadrons
Starfish     Decoy fish baskets used for deception by English defenders during the Battle of Britain
Stereo viewer     Optical device enabling user to produce three-dimensional effects with overlapping photographs
Sunshields     Camouflage truck covers, used for hiding British tanks prior to Operation Lightfoot
STOL Short Take Off and Landing
STOVL Short Take Off and Vertical Landing
TA Traffic Analysis
tac Tactical
TCP Traffic Control Point
TCV Troop Carrying Vehicle
tgt target
TINA Study of morse characteristics of individual wireless operators (WW2)
tk Tank
TLB Top Level Budget
TME Telecommunications Middle East
TOT Time on Target
tp Troop
tpt Transport
TRE Telecommunications Research Establishment
TUL Truck Utility Light
TUM Truck Utility Medium
UHF Ultra High frequency radio and electronic communications
UK United Kingdom
UKMF United Kingdom Mobile Force
UNCLASS Unclassified
UP Unrotating Projectile
U/S Unserviceable (broken)
USAAF United States Army Air Force (A/AF)
USAF United States Air Force (AF)
USN United States Navy (N)
UXB Unexploded Bomb
U/S Unserviceable
VC Victoria Cross
VCAS Vice Chief of the Air Staff (AF)
VCIGS Vice Chief of the Imperial General Staff (A)
VCNS Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff (N)
VE Victory in Europe
veh Vehicle

Vergeltungswaffen     German vengeance or 'reprisal' weapons designed to terrorize Britain and eventually the USA
VHF     Very High frequency radio and electronic communications
VJ     Victory Over Japan
VOR     Vehicle off the Road
VTOL     Vertical Take Off and Landing
WAAF     Women's Auxiliary Air Force (AF)
WE     War Establishment
Wehrmacht   =   In German there used to be standing phrases like "Schimmernde Wehr" (= "shining armour") or "in Wehr und Waffen" (= something like "armoured and armed", alluding to medieval knights armoured from cap to toe and armed with lance, sword etc.) (Now, they hardly ever used). Thus "Wehr..." rather means the defensive part of an armament (c.f. "Reichswehr" or now "Bundeswehr"), while "Waffen" means the offensive part (perhaps this was the intended implication in "Waffen-SS" or "Luftwaffe" = "Air Arm"). "Wehrmacht" thus would literally translate not as "war power" but as "defence power". The German word for "war" is "Krieg" - as in "Kriegsmarine" (literally = "war navy"; in order to distinguish the fighting navy from the "Handelsmarine" = "merchant fleet").
wh     Wheeled
WIDU     Wireless Intelligence and Development Unit
WIMP     1. Whinging Incompetent Malingering Person;     2. Window Code name for silver foil dipoles used to jam enemy radar
wksp     Workshop
WMR     War Maintenance Reserve
W/T     Wireless Telegraphy
WVS     Women's Voluntary Service
X     Crossing (as in roads or rivers)
XX     Committee Arm of MI-5 responsible for developing and controlling double agents
Y     Signals Interception Service
YMCA     Young Men's Christian Association
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association
Australian Service Records from World War I
Abbreviations used in World War I Service Records
Ranks no longer used
AB/Dvr     Able Bodied Driver
AM     Aircraft Mechanic
Far     Farrier
L/Sgt     Lance Sergeant
MT/Dvr     Mechanical Transport Driver
PO     Petty Officer (Naval Bridging Train only)
S/Smith     Shoeing Smith
Whr     Wheeler
General abbreviations
AOC     Army Ordnance Corps
Arty     Artillery
Engrs     Engineers
GSW     Gun Shot Wound
HMAT     His Majesty’s Australian Transport
HQ     Headquarters
HS     Hospital Ship
HT     Hired Transport
Inf     Infantry
NYD     Not Yet Determined/Diagnosed
Pnrs     Pioneers
PUO     Pyrexia of Unknown Origin
Sqn     Squadron
SW     Shrapnel Wound
Tp     Troop
World War I units
AAH     Australian Auxiliary Hospital
AAMC     Australian Army Medical Corps
AANS     Australian Army Nursing Service
AASC     Australian Army Service Corps
ADBD     Australian Divisional Base Depot
ADH     Australian Dermatological Hospital
AFA     Australian Field Artillery
AFC     Australian Flying Corps
AGBD     Australian General Base Depot
AIBD     Australian Infantry Base Depot
AL Rwy     Australian Light Railway
AMGBD     Australian Machine Gun Base Depot
AMTS     Australian Mechanical Transport Service
AN&MEF     Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (New Guinea, Rabaul)
ANZAC     Cyc Coy/Bn
ANZAC     Cyclist Company/Battalion
ANZAC     Mtd Reg
ANZAC     Mounted Regiment
ASH     Australian Stationary Hospital
AVES     Australian Veterinary Evacuating Station
BEF     British Expeditionary Force (Belgium, France, England)
BGROC     Broad Gauge Railway Operating Company
Con Dep     Convalescent Depot
Den Cps     Dental Corps
DSC    Divisional Supply Column
EEF     Egyptian Expeditionary Force (Egypt, Sinai, Palestine)
EMM & B Coy     Electrical and Mechanical Mining and Boring Company
F Amb     Field Ambulance
FAB     Field Artillery Brigade
FCE     Field Company Engineers
GSR     General Service Reinforcements
L/M/H TM Bty     Light/Medium/Heavy Trench Mortar Battery
LGROC     Light Gauge Railway Operating Company
LH Bde     Light Horse Brigade
LHFA     Light Horse Field Ambulance
LHR     Light Horse Regiment
LHRR     Light Horse Reserve Regiment
LHTR     Light Horse Training Regiment
M Vet Sec     Mobile Veterinary Section
MEF     Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (Gallipoli)
MG Coy/ Sqn/Bn     Machine Gun Company/Squadron/Battalion
RAA     Royal Australian Artillery
RAE     Royal Australian Engineers
RANBT     Royal Australian Naval Bridging Train
RBAA     Reserve Brigade Australia Artillery
RMT Unit     Remount Unit
RSD     Railhead Supply Detachment
SAN Sect     Sanitation Section
SB     Siege Battery
Sig Tp     Signals Troop
STS     Sea Transport Staff
Tun Coy     Tunnelling Company
Vet Sect     Veterinary Section

Boer War jargon, acronyms and abbreviations
AAMC     Australian Army Medical Corps
ACH     Australian Commonwealth Horse, designation for the units of the sixth wave of Australian contingents
Afrikaans     language used by descendants of Dutch South Africans
AMC     Army Medical Corps
AMS     Army Medical Service, the same as Army Medical Corps
berg     mountain
Boer     literally a farmer; descendant of Dutch South Africans living in the Transvaal or Orange Free State
burgher     white male citizen of the Transvaal or Orange Free State
bushmen     designation for third, fourth and sometimes fifth waves of Australian contingents
bushveldt     bush country in the middle Transvaal
CB     Companion of the Order of the Bath, a title awarded for distinguished service
CBC     Citizen’s Bushmen Contingent, one of the third wave of Australian contingents
CIV     City Imperial Volunteers, designation for British infantry contingents to the war
clasp     attachment to medal ribbon proclaiming the wearer to have participated in a campaign, battle or skirmish
commandant     commanding officer of a Boer commando; commanding officer of the military forces of an Australian colony
commando     Boer military unit, usually of a particular district
contingent     military unit or units raised and despatched at one time
donga     cutting made in the ground by flowing water
dorp     village
drift     river ford
DSO     Distinguished Service Order, decoration for bravery
fontein     spring
GOC     General Officer Commanding
gratuity     extra payment to soldiers returning from the war
HMT     Her/His Majesty’s Transport
HQ     Headquarters
IBC     Imperial Bushmen Contingent, one of the fourth wave of Australian contingents
inspan     to harness transport animals in readiness to march
IY     Imperial Yeomanry, designation for British mounted contingents to the war
kaffir     Boer word for South African blacks
kloof     ravine
kop     hill
koppie, kopje     small hill
kraal     cattle enclosure; group of huts; village
laager     camp, sometimes formed by circle of ox-wagons
laagte     valley
MI     mounted infantry, mounted rifles  ~  infantry using horses for mobility between battlefields; cavalry fighting with rifles rather than swords
MISA    Mounted Infantry South Africa
NCO     Non-commissioned officer; a corporal or sergeant
nek     pass between two hills
NSWMR     New South Wales Mounted Rifles
outspan, uitspan     to unharness transport animals and halt a march
patriotic fund     non-government charity collecting and dispensing money for wounded soldiers and dependants of dead soldiers
poort     gateway; gap between hills
QIB     Queensland Imperial Bushmen
QMI     Queensland Mounted Infantry
Rand     The Witwatersrand in the Transvaal, more particularly its rich gold mines
return     list
RFF    Rhodesian Field Force
SAMR     South Australian Mounted Rifles    
SAW     South African War
Special Service     designation of Australian officers despatched to the war not in command of contingents but to act as staff officers and learn staff and command techniques
TIB     Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen
trek     Boer word for journey, used to describe military patrols during the Boer War
TSS     Turbine Steamship
Uitlander     outsider, foreigner
veld, veldt     bush country covered in undergrowth and trees
VMF     Victorian Military Forces
VMR     Victorian Mounted Rifles
Zarp     member of the Transvaal’s semi-military police force (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiel Politie)

  ~ A ~
AAH     Australian Auxiliary Hospital
AAMC     Australian Army Medical Corps
AANC     Australian Army Nursing Corps
AAOC     Australian Army Ordnance Corps
AASC     Australian Army Service Corps
ADBD     Australian Divisional Base Depot
ADH     Australian Dematological Hospital
AE     Australian Engineers
AE&MM&BC     Australian Electrical and Mechanical Mining and Boring Company
AFA     Australian Field Artllery
AFC     Australian Flying Corps
AGBD Australian General Base Depot
AIBD Australian Infantry Base Depot
ALRwy Australian Light Railway
AMGBD Australian Machine Gun Base Depot
AMTS Australian Mechanical Transport Service
AN&MEF Australian Naval and Military Expediationary Force
ANZAC     Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
A&QMG     Adjutant and Quartermaster General
ASH     Australian Staionary Hospital
ASP     Ammunition Sub Park
AVH     Australian Veterinary Hospital
AWM     Australian War Memorial
BAC     Brigade Ammunition Column
Bdr     Bombardier
BEF British Expeditionary Force
BG Brigadier General
BGGS Brigadier General, General Staff
BGRA Brigadier General, Royal Artillery
BGROC Broad Guage Railway Operating Company
BL Breech Loading
BM Brigade Major
BMHA Brigade Major, Heavy Artillery
BMRA Brigade Major, Royal Artillery
BTE British Troops in Egypt
CB Counterbattery
CBSO Counterbattery Staff Officer
CCS Casualty Clearing Station
CE Chief Engineer
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CIGS Chief of the Imperial General Staff
CMGO Corps Machine Gun Officer
CMTO Corps Mechanical Transport Officer
Col Colonel
CP Commonwealth Pattern
CRA Commander, Royal Artillery
CRE Commander, Royal Engineeers
CRS Commonwealth Records Series
CTC Camel Transport Corps
CTE Corps Troops Engineers
cwt Hundredweight
d Pence
DADOS Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DesCol Desert Column
DesCorps Desert Mounted Corps
DGT Director General of Transport
DMGO Division Machine Gun Officer
DMS Director of Medical Services
DOD Department of Defence
DSC Division Supply Column
DSO      Distinguished Service Order
DTMO     Division Trench Mortar Officer
DMTS     Director of Mechanical Transport Services
DUS     Depot Unit of Supply
Dvr     Driver
E-in-C      Engineer in Chief
Engr     Engineer
FAB     Field Artillery Brigade
FAmb     Field Ambulance
FM     Field Marshal
FOO      Forward Observation Officer
ft     Feet
g     grams
Genl     General
GG     Governor General
GOC     General Officer Commanding
GOCRA      General Officer Commanding Royal Artillery
GS      General Staff
GSO     General Staff Officer
GSR     General Service Reinforcements
Gnr      Gunner
HAG      Heavy Artillery Group
HE      High Explosive
HF      High Frequency
HM     His Majesty
HMAHS     His Majesty's Australian Hospital Ship
HMAS     His Majesty's Australian Ship
HMAT     His Majesty's Australian Transport
How      Howitzer
HT     Horse Transport
HTM      Heavy Trench Mortar
in     Inches
inf     Infantry
kg     Kilograms
kph      Kilometres per hour
lb     Pounds
L/Cpl      Lance Corporal
LF      Low Frequency
LG     Lieutenant General
LGO      Lewis Gun Officer
LH     Light Horse
LHR      Light Horse Regiment
LROC     Light Railway Operating Company
LTM      Light Trench Mortar
m     metres
Maj     Major
MC     Military Cross
MG     Machine Gun or Major General
MGGS     Major General, General Staff
MM     Military Medal
MOD     Minister of Defence
MT     Mechanical Transport
MTM     Medium Trench Mortar
MVS     Mobile Veterinary Section
NYD     Not Yet Determined
NYDN     Not Yet Diagnosed Nervous [Shellshock]
OC     Officer Commanding
OP     Observation Post
oz     Ounces

  ~ P ~
psc      Passed Staff College
Pte      Private

  ~ Q ~
QF     Quick Firing
QM     Quartermaster
QMG     Quartermaster General

  ~ R ~
RA     Royal Artillery
RAE     Royal Australian Engineers
RAF     Royal Air Force
RAFA     Royal Australian Field Artillery
RAGA     Royal Australian Garrison Artillery
RAN    Royal Australian Navy
RANBT     Royal Austrlalian Navy Bridging Train
RBAA     Reserve Brigade Australian Artillery
RE    Royal Engineers
RFA     Royal Field Artillery
RFC     Royal Flying Corps
Rft     Reinforcement
RGA     Royal Garrison Artillery
RHA     Royal Horse Artillery
Rmt     Remount
RN     Royal Navy
rpg      rounds per gun
rpm     rounds per minute
RSD     Railhead Supply Detachment

  ~ S ~
s     shillings
San     Sanitary
SB     Siege Battery
SC     Staff Captain
SSgt     Staff Sergeant
SMLE     Short Magazine Lee Enfield
SMTO      Senior Mechanical Transport Officer
SOD      Secretary of Defence
Sqn     Squadron
SSC     Secretary of State for Colonies (UK)
st    stone
STS     Sea Transport Staff
S/Sgt    Staff Sergeant
SW     Shrapnel Wound

  ~ T ~
t    Tonnes
Tp    Troop
Tun     Tunnelling

  ~ U ~
US     United States of America

1.I.T.S.                         1 Initial Training School, Somers (Mornington Vic)
1.S.F.T.S.                     1 Service Flying Training School, Point Cook,
No.2.A.N.S. Nhill    Number 2 Air Navigation School, Nhill
1.W.A.G.S. Ballarat  1 Wireless Air Gunners School, Ballarat
1.P.D. (Discharge)   1 Personnel Depot (for Admin Discharge).
EATS                           Empire Air Training Scheme

EFTS     Empire Flying Training Schools
1 EFTS – Parafield SA,
2 EFTS – Archerfield Qld,
3 EFTS – Essendon Vic,
4 EFTS – Mascot NSW,
5 EFTS – Narromine,
6 EFTS – Tamworth NSW,
7 EFTS – Western Junction Tasmania,
8 EFTS – Narrandera,
9 EFTS – Cunderdin WA,
10EFTS – Temora,
11 EFTS – Benalla, Vic, and
12 EFTS – Bundaberg Qld.

SFTS     Service Flying Training School
No 1 SFTS – Point Cook Vic,
No 2 SFTS - Forrest Hill NSW,
No 3 SFTS – Amberley Qld,
No 4 SFTS – Geraldton WA,
No 5 SFTS – Uranquinty NSW,
No 6 SFTS – Mallala SA,
No 7 SFTS – Deniliquin, NSW and
No 8 SFTS – Bundaberg Qld.
Under the Empire Air Training Scheme (EATS) it was not just EFTS and SFTS that were established other schools were:
· Air Observers Schools (AOS)
· Air Navigation Schools (ANS)
· Bombing and Gunnery Schools (BAGS)
· Initial Training Schools (ITS)
· Wireless Air Gunners School (WAGS)
· Air Gunnery School (AGS)
· Central Gunnery School (CGS)
· Armament Training Station (ATS)
· Central Flying School (CFS)
· General Reconnaissance School (GRS)
· Operational Training Units (OTU)
· Operational Conversion Unit (OCU)

Abbreviations in Australian World War 1 Military Records
2LT     Second Lieutenant - Commander of a Platoon or equivalent sized unit [See also LT]
A/ Acting, Assistant      e.g. Acting Corporal, Assistant Adjutant
A/A, A-A, AA     Anti-Aircraft (Battery, Regiment etc)
ALROC or LROC [Australian]     Light Rail Operating Company
ABGROC or BGROC [Australian]     Broad Gauge Railway Operating Company
ABDO     Abdomen/Abdominal
ADBD     Australian Division Base Depot - Numbered in accordance with the Division
AGBD     Australian General Base Depot
AIBD     Australian Infantry Base Depot
AIEF     Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force
AIF     Australian Imperial Force
AAH         Australian Auxilliary Hospital
AAMC     Australian Army Medical Corps
ACC     Accident, Accidental
ACH     Australian Convalencent Hospital
ADH     Australian Dermatological Hospital
ADJ, ADJT     Adjutant - Administrative officer in a unit
AGH     Australian General Hospital
AM     Albert Medal - Imperial Medal for Life Saving, in Gold (1st Class) or Bronze (Second Class), awarded for either Land or Sea and later replaced by the George Cross or George Medal to those still living. The modern Australian equivalent is the Cross of Valour (CV)
AMP     Amputated
AMT     Coy Australian Motor Transport Company
AN&MEF     Australian Navy and Military Expeditionary Force - The volunteer force sent in 1915 to German New Guinea and to seize German property and possessions, destroy German wireless installations and act as an occupying force for the duration of the war.
ANZAC     Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
AOC     Army Ordnance Corps
AOR     At Own Request
ASC     Army Service Corps
AVC     Army Veterinary Corps
AWL, AWOL     Absent Without Leave
BAR     Bar - A medal awarded more than once, e.g. two awards of the MC are known as MC and Bar.
BATT, BTN, BN     Battalion - An infantry unit of up to four companies and an administrative headquarters, generally commanded by a LT COL
BDR     Bombardier - Artillery rank equivalent to Corporal.
BEF     British Expeditionary Force
BGROC     Broad Gauge Rail Operating Company
BRIG     1. Brigadier or Brigadier-General - The commander of a Brigade or higher formation.     2. Brigade - A formation of 3 or 4 Infantry Battalions with supporting arms and services.
BRIT     British
CAPT     Captain - Second in command of a company or acting company commander
CB     Confined to Barracks - Confinement to Barracks when not in the field was a punishment which permitted soldiers to perform their usual duties during normal work hours, but required them to report every hour, on the hour from 6:00am to start of work, at lunch time and between cessation of work and 10:00pm. It included morning and evening periods of drill on the parade ground and reporting in different forms of dress at different times.
CCS     Casualty Clearing Station
CdeG     Croix de Guerre - French gallantry award
C in C     Commander in Chief - Commander in a theatre of war
CO     Commanding Officer - of a battalion or equivalent unit [See also OC]
COMD     1. Commander.    2. Command - Geographical area of military control within Australia
CO, COY     Company- Sub-unit of a battalion, commanded by a Major or Captain.
COL     Colonel - Senior staff office or Commander of a brigade
CORP, CPL     Corporal - Commander of a section of 10 or so soldiers
CPT     1. Captured.     2. Captain
CQMS     Company Quartermaster Sergeant - Staff sergeant, second highest ranking NCO in a Company
CSM     Company Sergeant Major - Warrant officer class 2, the highest ranking NCO in a company
C'TOWN     Capetown, South Africa
CYC BN      Cyclist Battalion
DAC     Divisional Ammunition Column
DAH      Defective Aorta Heart
DCM     Distinguished Conduct Medal - Level 2 Imperial award for solders up to the rank of Warrant Officer. The modern Australian equivalent is the Star of Gallantry (SG).
DEF     Defective
DISCH     Discharge, Discharged
DIS     Disembarked
DIV     Division - Formation consisting of three brigades plus supporting arms and services
DOA     Died of Accident
DOI     Died of Illness or injury
DOW     Died of Wounds
DRO     Daily Routine Orders
DSO     Distinguished Service Order - Level 2 Imperial award for officers. T.
DTN     Detention
DUS     Depot Unit Supply
DVR     Driver - Rank equivalent to Private
EEF     Egyptian Expeditionary Force
EC, E.C., E Comd etc     Eastern Command (Also known as 2 MD)
ENG     England
ENGR     Engineers
EVAC     Evacuated, Evacuation
FAB     Field Artillery Brigade
FCE     Field Company Engineers
FD     Field
FM     Field Marshal - Highest officer rank
FRACT     Fractured
GEN     General - Commander of an Army
GNR     Gunner - Artillery rank equivalent to Private
GOC     General Officer Commanding
GSW     Gunshot Wound
HMAT     His Majesty's Australian Transport - Troop ship
HMT     His Majesty's Transport - British as opposed to Australian
HQ     Headquarters
HS     Hospital Ship
ICC     Imperial Camel Corps
IHL     Incarceration and Hard Labour
IMP     1. Imperial 2. Imprisoned
INJ     Injured - As opposed to wounded
KIA     Killed in Action
LBS     Pounds weight (450gm)
LCPL, L/CPL     Lance Corporal - Second in Command of a Section
Ld'H     Legion d'Honneur - French gallantry award, with a number of diffefrent levels.
L of C     Line of Communications - the route that connects an operating military unit with its supply base.
LROC     Light Rail Operating Company
LSGT, L/SGT     Lance Sergeant - A Corporal as the temporary 2IC of a Platoon, but wearing the same three stripes as a Sergeant
LTCOL, LT COL     Lieutenant Colonel - Commander of a battalion or equivalent unit
LT, LIEUT     Lieutenant - Commander of a platoon [See also 2LT]
LTGEN, LT GEN     Lieutenant General - Commander of a Corps of two or three Divisions
LTMB     Light Trench Mortar Battery
MAJ     Major - Commander of a company or equivalent unit
MAJ GEN     Major General - Commander of a Division of three Brigades
MC     Military Cross - Level 3 Imperial award for junior officers and warrant officers. The modern Australian equivalent is the Medal for Gallantry (MG).
MEF     1. Mediterranian Expeditionary Force - 2. Middle Eastern Forces
MGB     Machine Gun Battalion
MGC     Machine Gun Company
MM     Military Medal - Level three Imperial award for soldiers and Warrant Officers. The modern Australian equivalent is the Medal for Gallantry (MG).



Viv Martin
Carrum Downs, Victoria, Australia 3201
Ph. +61 3 5439 3655  ~  Mob +61 419 310 235 or 0419 310 235

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